Before & After

Basement Waterproofing Before & After Photos

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TripleSafe- Greatest Protection Available in Orange, VA

If you can't count on your sump system to be powerful or reliable enough, then you can't count on a dry basement. A wet basement can cause a ton of problems, costing you time and money.  A homeowner in Orange, VA had a basement that flooded during almost every heavy downpour and needed a permanent solution. Our Specialist determined that the best course of action was to install a WaterGuard System and TripleSafe Sump Pump.

The TripleSafe Sump Pump system keeps your basement dry with triple the protection. Most sump pumps fail because of either a failed pump, a pump that can't handle high volumes of water, or power failure. The TripleSafe assures protection from all three sump pump problems.

Now, this homeowner can finally rest easy at night with the peace of mind of knowing that their basement is going to be protected from flooding with three different sump pump systems all in one! 

Leesburg VA Basement Waterproofing Discharge Lines

This Leesburg VA home had a full basement waterproofing project done.  The interior of the home was equipped with a full Water Guard System to collect and deliver unwanted water to the newly installed Ultra Sump Pump which would then send the water outside of the home.  In order to keep that same water from working its way back to the foundation of the home, it would need to be sent far away from the home.  After installing the discharge lines from the outside of the home and Ice Guard to keep the pipes from freezing up, several feet of Lawn Escape was buried in the ground and finished with a grate cover to allow the water to move down hill into the back yard of the home, away from the house.  

Leesburg VA Trench Drain XL Installation

This Leesburg, VA home had an issue with ineffective gutters that were allowing excess surface water to build up on the property. Our sales professional Pedro went out to the home and determined what the optimal path for the drainage trench would be to maximize effectiveness and minimize cost. When everything was finalized our service crews went out to the home and dug out the path for the drain. Then finally installed the drain with the output path that led to a nearby dry spot to even out the coverage of surface water.

Everlast Window Inserts in Gainesville, VA

A homeowner in Gainesville, VA had a broken basement window. Until recently, the standards for basement windows haven’t been very high. Builders paid attention to windows in the main part of the house, but typically chose cheap steel or wood-framed windows for the basement. As a result, standard basement windows have some significant problems. 

The 3 Pros team quickly replaced this window with an EverLast Window Insert. The EverLast Window Insert features double-pane, insulated glass, so you won't need to worry about major heat loss. Our installation crew will use the right techniques to eliminate air leaks through gaps around the window. 

Our Most Reliable Sump Pump System!

A homeowner in Louisa, VA needed her basement to stay dry ALL of the time. The 3 Pros Basement Systems team installed our most reliable sump pump system in her basement, our TripleSafe Sump Pump with our UltraSump Battery Backup. 

The TripleSafe provides three levels of protection for your basement and your peace of mind.

For normal functioning, the TripleSafe has a powerful, cast-iron Zoeller 1/3 horsepower sump pump set at the lowest level. For heavy volumes of water or in case of primary pump failure, a second, more powerful Zoeller 1/2 hp pump set a bit higher in the liner will take over.

In case of a power outage, our UltraSump battery backup sump pump, set at the highest level, will pump 11,500 gallons or more on a fully charged battery!

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